Additive manufacturing has a steep learning curve. If you do decide to have your own in house 3D printer, Stratnel will help you to achieve this goal.
We will work with you to supply you a suitable printer and support you over the learning period. This includes installation support, helping you with slicers and advising you on the suitability of specific designs for 3D printing. We will also offer suggestions on how you can optimise your designs so that you can be successful with your prints.
Stratnel brings you state of the art industrial printers from leading 3D printing manufacturers. We provide local rupee pricing, delivery at your doorstep as well as installation, warranty services and support.
Take a look at our lineup of printers for different applications.
Stacker LLC, based in Minneapolis in Minnesota, USA makes rugged industrial quality printers which are preferred by 3D printing service bureaus for heavy duty applications. Stacker printers can print big parts, can run for very long time unattended and are trouble free printers.
To know more about the range of Stacker 3D printers offered by Stratnel, click here.
INTAMSYS (abbreviation of INTelligent Additive Manufacturing SYStems) is an industrial-grade 3D printer manufacturer and additive manufacturing solutions provider of affordable and reliable 3D printing with high-performance materials. If you need to print using high performance specialty polymers, we can recommend an Intamsys printer model that can fit your requirements.
To know more about the range of Intamsys 3D printers offered by Stratnel, click here.
If you have very large parts to print (with sizes of 1 meter or more) Modix will be your printer of choice. Modix makes large format printers that can print very large parts with relative ease. The printers are so big they are shipped in kits and assembled locally. But don’t worry. Stratnel can offer you the option to assemble the printer for you at your premises. We provide warranty as well as maintenance support too.
To know more about Modix 3D printers offered by Stratnel, click here
Nexa3D is a team of passionate additive manufacturing practitioners that are committed to digitizing the world’s supply chain sustainably.
They make the world’s fastest polymer 3D printers accessible to professionals and businesses of all sizes. Their groundbreaking technology is shattering traditional 3D printing productivity barriers and opening the aperture of additive materials.
Nexa3D printers take current additive manufacturing speeds from ‘dialup internet’ to ‘broadband’ printing and are capable of continuously printing at speeds of up to 8 liters per hour. This represents up to 20x productivity gains over all current state additive products and is comparable only to injection molding economics — existing supply chain complexities, extended lead-times and the substantial costs typically associated with tooled plastics.
To know more about Nexa 3D printers offered by Stratnel, click here
If you would like us to get in touch with you to address your requirements of a 3D printer, please click on the “Get in touch” tab on the right and fill up the form. We will get right back to you.